Troll Hunter

Troll Hunter

Pretty dedicated to its mock-context, so narratively it’s loose; possibly not so engaging for some, but I had a blast. Norway – when it gets off its arse and makes a movie (approximately half a dozen times a year) – likes to put Norway on the screen, and alongside shots of its fascinating countryside we get its folklore turned fact. The film could’ve been called Troll Science, the way it so casually throws in little quirky things that we all see all the time but don’t question, and ties them to its reality – yet rarely in your face, often subtly. It even has a parodic feel – it’s been 12 years since BWP, so it’s refreshing to see a mockumentary that makes a joke out of playing it straight, right from the opening cards.

But its crowning achievement is how well it brings its humour and horror, and sometimes (daringly) both at the same time. In the end, you just enjoy it.